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Presenting at IUBAT in Dhaka, Bangladesh


Spiral Blue Cofounder and CEO Taofiq Huq recently gave a talk at the International University of Business, Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The title of his talk was "Think globally, act locally, with technology". This talk was focused around explaining the need for technological advances to solve massive global problems such as climate change. Taofiq also explained how Spiral Blue is using space technologies to help tackle terrestrial problems by making Earth observation insights cheaper and easier to access.

After giving his talk, Taofiq was able to speak with several IUBAT students and professors. We look forward to continuing the conversation, and potentially collaborating on future projects.

IUBAT is the first non-government university in Bangladesh. The university aims to provide a technical education to at least one member of each of Bangladesh's 87,000 villages, thereby helping to equip Bangladesh with the means to achieve sustainable socioeconomic development. The university today has over 10,000 students.

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